Monday, January 3, 2011

Unwanted resolutions for the past 2 months I have been sick. Not like sick, then better, then sick again....oh no. That would be too easy. As of the beginning of November I knew that there were a limited number of antibiotics that I'm not allergic to....after 2 bouts of strep and 3 sinus infections I'm down to 2 antibiotics that don't make my body freak out. Joy. So it's all good while I'm on the antibiotics, but within a day or 2 of finishing them there I am...sick again. Meanwhile, I've also seen my doctor for increased acid reflux, migraines, tension headaches, vertigo, stomach issues and body aches. To sum up, I've kinda been a complete wreck. And my doctor was a complete ass. But that's another story. So I decided to do a little research and found that my symptoms seemed to fit with a gluten intolerance....after a phone call to my mom (keeper of all childhood ailment knowledge) I was told "Oh couldn't eat wheat when you were a kid." Helpful mom.

So, in conjuction with the standard weight-loss, house cleanliness, anti-procrastination resolutions that I voluntarily make, this year I have one that seems to not be a more gluten. I haven't been tested yet, I'm going to try to eliminate the stuff first and see if it works. But tomorrow is my official end of gluten consumption. It would have been today, but have you checked your kitchen for non-gluten breakfast foods lately? Because all I could find was a banana and that just wasn't going to cut it. Plus, I made banana bread last night, so it seemed a shame to let it go to waste. So I went to the store today and stocked up....gluten-free cereal, granola bars, crackers, bread mix, baking/muffin mix, and I'm ready for tomorrow. In the mean time, here I am, saying goodbye to gluten while eating a third of a loaf of oh-so-good banana walnut bread....wish me luck!

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