Ok...so I haven't written since...well, actually, it's been long enough that I don't remember what I wrote about last. Let's check....(cue boring elevator music)...oh right. Mucus-guy from match.com. Joy. Not much doing since then....although I did bake some killer gluten-free brownie-filled chocolate chip cookies. I'm slowly settling into the idea of gluten-free baking and starting to get back the urge to bake. I think I went through the 7 stages of grief after finding out I couldn't have real bread...or is it 5? I dunno....there was denial, crying, ticked off and acceptance....but I'm still pretty ticked off, and apparently I can't count. Whatever.
Oh, and my sister and neice moved in with my parents last weekend. Her husband should be here Sunday-ish...or whenever he is over the flu enough to drive here from that giant state with no cell phone reception, a.k.a. Montana. Considering that they were originally going to move in with me, I'm pretty extatic about the whole thing in general. My sister and I get along for about 3 days at a time, have some major blowout argument, then rinse and repeat. So it's a good thing that they don't live here. Not to mention that my sister is intimidated by Dog (ok...he's a little big, but that was part of the reason I got him!) and I don't agree with some of the ways she's been raising their daughter....so us not living together is really just best for everyone. It would end badly.
That's probably super smart.